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Birth Control Pill

Discover our curated birth control pill collection: your guide to reproductive empowerment. Learn your options and take control of your reproductive health education with NC°

Birth Control

Birth control pills: Effectiveness, side effects, and alternatives

When it first became available, the birth control pill changed the landscape of contraception, making it accessible to many women. Now, more than 60 years after its FDA approval, the pill still remains a popular method in the US and worldwide. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at the pill as we uncover its effectiveness, explain birth control side effects, and offer some alternatives to this long-used method.

12 min read

Birth Control

How to take birth control pills

Birth control pills are a type of oral contraception that are taken daily to prevent pregnancy. Exactly how you use contraceptive pills depends on the type of pill that you’re prescribed to use. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the different types of pills, how you take them, and what to do if you miss a pill or want to stop taking birth control pills altogether. Read on to learn more.

8 min read

Birth Control

How effective is the birth control pill?

There are two types of commonly prescribed oral contraceptives: the combination birth control pill and the progestin-only pill. Both types of pills are 93% effective with typical use and more than 99% effective with perfect use. In this article, we’re going to dive deeper into what typical and perfect use means as we cover what makes birth control less effective, how you can better protect yourself from unintended pregnancy, and why knowing your contraceptive options is so important.

7 min read

Birth Control

What are the side effects of birth control pills?

Birth control pills are a popular method of contraception — but it does cause side effects for some people. For many people, these side effects will lessen or go away completely after a couple of months as your body gets used to the changes in hormones. And not all side effects are bad, either! Some are positive, like regulating your bleeding and reducing cramps and other symptoms.

10 min read

Birth Control

Can a person get pregnant while taking the pill?

Yes, it’s possible to get pregnant even if you’re taking the birth control pill. In this post, we’ll look at the likelihood of getting pregnant on the pill, how to make sure you’re using your birth control correctly, plus some early signs of pregnancy to watch out for if you think you may be pregnant while taking the pill…

7 min read

Birth Control

Do you ovulate on birth control pills?

Most people won’t ovulate while taking hormonal birth control like the pill. That’s one of the ways it works to prevent pregnancy. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at birth control and how it affects ovulation — plus, we’ll cover how different oral contraceptives, like the morning-after pill and mini pill, impact ovulation too. Read on to learn more.

5 min read

Birth Control

How effective is the mini pill?

There are many different hormonal birth control methods on the market. When talking about birth control pills, most people tend to mean the combination pill. Today we’ll take a closer look at another kind of birth control pill called the mini pill, sometimes referred to as progestin-only pills or POPs.

8 min read

Birth Control

How long after stopping the pill will I ovulate?

The answer to this question is very individual. It will depend on a number of factors, including your unique menstrual cycle and the type of contraceptive pill you’re taking. In this post, we’ll dive into how the birth control pill affects our fertility and unpack some of the research that reveals how long it takes to ovulate again after stopping the pill. Read on to learn more about what happens in your body when you stop using hormonal birth control, and when you can expect your ovulation to come back.

6 min read

Birth Control

Stopping Birth Control Pills & Other Hormonal Methods

Are you thinking about putting the pill packet to one side once and for all? Or maybe it’s time to get your hormonal IUD removed and you’re wondering if you want to get a new one fitted. In this post, we’re going to look at stopping birth control pills as well as stopping other hormonal methods. We’ll take a look at how long it takes for the body to go back to how it was before hormonal birth control, and we’ll also cover some non-hormonal methods you might want to consider.

6 min read

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