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Birth Control

Depo-Provera: How effective is the birth control shot?

In this article, we’re going to do a deep dive into the birth control shot, explaining exactly what it is, its effectiveness, and side effects you need to know about before deciding which birth control method is best for you

10 min read

Birth Control

What happens when the birth control implant is inserted?

The birth control implant – also commonly known by the brand names Nexplanon or Implanon – is a type of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). This type of hormonal birth control contains a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone. This is slowly released into the body and works to prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation and thickening cervical mucus. The implant is highly effective and can be left in place for several years, which may appeal to you if you’re looking for a long-lasting, effective method of birth control that you don’t need to think about. But what’s it like to get the implant? Here’s everything you need to know about implant insertion.

7 min read

Birth Control

Birth control implant (Nexplanon): What happens after removal and side effects

Getting the implant removed is a straightforward procedure that requires the expertise of a trained healthcare professional. Whether you are planning a pregnancy, switching birth control methods, or have decided the implant isn’t right for you, it's essential to understand the process and what to expect during implant removal.

6 min read


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Cycler Stories

Planning my first pregnancy with Natural Cycles: Erin's story

I can’t even believe I’m writing this post. I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but like, one day in the future. And that future time frame kept changing. I married Josh at 22, so at first I thought by 25. Then 28. Then 30. Apparently, the magic number was 32…

7 min read

Cycler Stories

From physicist to founder: Elina’s Story

As the Co-Founder of the world’s only birth control app, my life has taken some incredible twists and turns. Today I’m going to share with you my story, including my struggle to find a birth control method that worked for me, and how Natural Cycles has helped me grow my own family.

6 min read

Cycler Stories

Trying out the new Bluetooth thermometer: Sophia's Story

My name is Sophia, I’m an online coach and personal trainer, and I have been using Natural Cycles to help prevent pregnancy for over two and a half years. To say it changed my life is an understatement! Today I’m going to talk about the brand new Bluetooth thermometer that’s now available to use with the app and how Natural Cycles can help you on your hormone-free journey too!

2 min read

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Features & Updates

Cycle Matters Editorial Policy

Topics in women’s health are often under-researched and shrouded in stigma. Compounding this, the internet is full of misinformation in this area. At Natural Cycles, our mission is to empower you with the knowledge you need to take charge of your health. At Cycle Matters, we create fact-checked, expert-written content that tackles these topics in a compassionate and accessible way.

5 min read

Features & Updates

How is my data protected?

Over the past 12 months, there has been growing concern over how our most sensitive information is being handled. Here at Natural Cycles, we’ve always been dedicated to protecting you and your data, but we’ve reviewed and strengthened this commitment over the past year. In this post, we’re going to walk you through our security protocols so you know exactly how your sensitive data is processed, and how you are protected.

5 min read

Features & Updates

Introducing NC° Postpartum

Recovery is not always linear, and the postpartum experience looks different for everyone. At Natural Cycles, we’re dedicated to supporting you throughout your fertility journey, whether that’s preventing pregnancy, planning pregnancy, following your pregnancy, or in the weeks and months after giving birth. That’s why we’re launching NC° Postpartum, a new mode that’s here to support you in this important part of the process.

3 min read

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