hands holding phone showing Natural Cycles' Partner View fertility status
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Have you tried NC° Partner View?

Jen on the roof terrace at Natural Cycles headquarters.

Written by Jennifer Gray

Jennifer Gray

Jennifer Gray is an award-winning writer with more than five years’ experience covering reproductive topics ranging from birth control to planning pregnancy. She is passionate about providing women with accurate information grounded in science they can use to take charge of their own health - while also dispelling myths that exist within the field of women’s health. She holds a Master of Science from the University of Edinburgh and currently lives in Ireland.

Birth control is a shared responsibility, but more often than not it still falls firmly on female shoulders. At Natural Cycles we know it takes two to tango, so we recently created Partner View, a new feature that gives you the power to share your fertility data with your partner. If you’ve been thinking of trying this feature or simply want to learn more about how it works, read on to find out what’s included, how to set it up, and more!

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