Illustration showing five different vulvas
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Vulva: Diagram, function, location & anatomy


Written by Brittney Bertagna RN

Brittney Bertagna RN

Brittney Bertagna, RN, merges nursing expertise with a passion for writing about female health. As a health magazine editor, Brittney ensures the spread of evidence-based, patient-centered information, collaborating with top healthcare brands on topics including female anatomy, sexual health, and nutrition.

Fact checked by Agathe van Lamsweerde, Scientist at Natural Cycles

Agathe van Lamsweerde

Agathe van Lamsweerde, holds a Master's in Mathematical Engineering from KU Leuven and EPFL, and works as a Data Scientist at Natural Cycles in Geneva. Her role entails developing in-house algorithms and collaborating with global research teams to challenge stigmas in women’s reproductive health.

Key takeaways

  • The vulva is an important part of the female anatomy and contains several important parts, including the head of the clitoris and the opening to the vaginal canal
  • The vulva also serves as a protective barrier for our internal organs and plays an important part in making sure the female reproductive system works as it should
  • Despite its importance, the vulva remains a subject of significant misunderstanding and taboo in many cultures
  • Ensuring your vulva stays healthy is important for your overall reproductive health. As the gatekeeper to the reproductive and urinary systems, the vulva requires attentive and gentle care

The vulva is the external part of the female genitalia, consisting of several important parts of our bodies, including the urethra (where you pee from) and the clitoris (an essential part of the female pleasure anatomy). The vulva does not include the cervix, womb, or other internal parts of the female reproductive system. 

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