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5 Reasons couples choose NC° Birth Control

Jen on the roof terrace at Natural Cycles headquarters.

Written by Jennifer Gray

Jennifer Gray

Jennifer Gray is an award-winning writer with more than five years’ experience covering reproductive topics ranging from birth control to planning pregnancy. She is passionate about providing women with accurate information grounded in science they can use to take charge of their own health - while also dispelling myths that exist within the field of women’s health. She holds a Master of Science from the University of Edinburgh and currently lives in Ireland.
Discover why couples worldwide are switching to Natural Cycles, and learn how hormone-free birth control can benefit your relationship. In this article, we’ll cover the certifications behind the world’s first birth control app, how your partner can get more involved in your fertility journey, and the benefits of switching to all-natural birth control…

1. It's a birth control app you can trust

We know how important peace of mind is when you want to prevent pregnancy. Natural Cycles is the first and only FDA Cleared contraceptive app, and that means it’s the ONLY app on the market that’s certified as birth control. While period tracking apps may claim to predict your fertile window, Natural Cycles is powered by a certified algorithm that analzes your body temperature to predict and pinpoint your ovulation. Research shows that this approach is more accurate at finding your fertile days than other calendar-based methods. 

Using a birth control app you can trust means you can focus on what’s important, like the two of you!

When it comes to effectiveness, Natural Cycles is 93% effective with typical use and 98% effective with perfect use, putting it in the same effectiveness category as the pill.

comparison table for typical use effectiveness

2. There are no nasty side effects

When one of you feels bad, it can affect both of you. So why settle for a birth control method that makes you feel less than your best self? Natural Cycles is non-hormonal and non-invasive, meaning you get none of the side effects that are associated with other hormonal or invasive birth control methods. Common birth control side effects include mood changes, lower libido, headaches, and tender breasts.

As well as adapting to your body, Natural Cycles also has the functionality for you to track how you feel throughout the menstrual cycle so you can log PMS symptoms and when you feel your best around ovulation. This can help you spot patterns in your cycle and help you both get to know your body better.

3. It's easy to plan for the future

Your shared dreams and hopes for the future are an important part of any relationship, and part of that is family planning. Natural Cycles adapts to your fertility needs as a couple, so whether you want kids soon, later down the line, or never, it takes only a second to switch from NC° Birth Control to NC° Plan Pregnancy, as both modes are covered by the same subscription. 

Each app mode is tailored to your fertility goals, so once you’ve switched to NC° Plan Pregnancy, you’ll get info like the best time to take a pregnancy test and access to dedicated articles and guides for those who want to start a family. 

Even if you don’t want to start trying for several years, you can rest assured knowing when the time is right that, you can get pregnant faster. In fact, research shows that, on average, couples who use Natural Cycles to plan pregnancy conceive in three cycles.

4. NC° brings you closer

Whether it’s getting a device fitted or taking the pill every day, the responsibility of birth control typically falls on female shoulders. Natural Cycles makes it easier for both partners to be involved. The NC° app is designed so you can quickly find out your fertility status, and there is even a Partner View, meaning your partner can see your daily fertility status from their own device.

"Such an amazing app, super helpful, great reminders too and love the partner version makes life so much easier!" - Ceri

Your fertility status is shown as a color: Green Days mean not fertile, and Red Days mean fertile, and you need to abstain from sex or use protection. The more you use the Natural Cycles app, the better it will get to know your unique cycle, and the more Green Days you’ll get! Keep in mind that while you may get more Red Days when you start using Natural Cycles, it’s effective as birth control from day one.

5. Embark on a learning journey

While many couples choose Natural Cycles because it’s free from hormones, one of the most talked about benefits is the body literacy that comes with understanding your unique cycle. This learning journey is a shared one, as so many NC° users tell us, that your partner will love learning about your body, too, and that, in turn, can bring you even closer. 

“It worth it! We've been using it for 5 months and are super happy. I say "we" because it's something we get to share easily with my boyfriend, thanks to the format of the app. “ - Nathalie

NC° has helped more than 3 million women to plan or prevent pregnancy, and that number is growing every day! Are you ready to join the birth control revolution? Get 45% off when you sign up for our annual plan today and get your FREE Bluetooth Thermometer included!

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