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Coming off Hormonal Birth Control: Sophia’s Story

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Written by Sophia


Born in New York, Sophia is a Yoga instructor and Social media manager. She is also a university student, studying and researching Human Development. In her free time, she loves to travel and explore new places.
I heard about Natural Cycles through social media. Even before I found them, I’d been interested in a natural form of birth control. I have been on two different hormonal birth control pills. One for a year and a half, and the other for about 6 months. One of the biggest reasons why I switched pills was because of the side effects I was experiencing...

Disclaimer: This is one Natural Cycles user’s experience coming off hormonal birth control. Everyone's experience is different and we encourage you to talk to your healthcare provider when considering switching birth control.

While on hormonal birth control, I didn’t feel like myself. I was irritable, very emotional, and began to experience panic attacks. After discussing this with my doctors, it seemed like hormonal birth control was the only way I could be protected. So I continued to take the pill. 

I’m also prone to eczema and about three months before I got off the pill, I began suffering from topical steroid withdrawal. This was not a result of the pill, but from the topical steroid creams prescribed to me for treating my eczema. After being one month into topical steroid withdrawal, I hit my ultimate low. 

I knew that I needed to change my lifestyle in order to heal properly and this also meant coming off hormonal birth control. So after doing research on what was actually going into my body...aka what is in the pill and its side effects, I knew that I needed to take charge of my health. 

That is when I found Natural Cycles. It allowed me to come off hormonal birth control while also providing me with the protection that I needed. The idea of it being an easy-to-use app was just what I needed. I began listening to podcasts about taking charge of your fertility and talking with others about their experience with Natural Cycles. 

My journey has been everything that I hoped for and more. My first cycle coming off the pill was very long and irregular so I received a ton of red days (days when you might be fertile so you need to either use protection or abstain from sex). 

However, after that first cycle, my body began to straighten itself out. I am now almost 60% green days per cycle which is pretty exciting. (On green days you’re not fertile and can have unprotected sex).

I was afraid that I would forget to take my temperature every morning before rising, but I haven’t forgotten once! It’s part of my routine now. I also have been enjoying the tracking feature where you can log your mood, cervical mucus, LH tests and so much more. I’ve been seeing patterns with my cycles and I feel like I’m learning so much about my body. 

I can’t wait to continue my journey with Natural Cycles as birth control and possibly in the far future to plan pregnancy. That’s one of the many great things about it, it can support someone in all stages of their life. 

One of the main things I was worried about when making the switch to Natural Cycles was explaining it to my family and friends. I was worried that they’d tell me that I was making a terrible decision or that I should just suck it up, and continue on the pill. 

Thankfully, most of them ended up being very supportive. My partner was completely in favor of me doing whatever’s best for my body and sanity. After deciding to switch to Natural Cycles, the first people I told were both of my parents. They were a bit worried at first because they have never heard of a birth control app, but after explaining what it was and how it works, they were extremely supportive. 

Many of the friends I told actually want to or have already switched to Natural Cycles. When I shared my story on Instagram, I found many of my followers could relate to my situation too.

If you are thinking about coming off hormonal birth control but aren’t sure. I would urge you to ask yourself why? And what are the things you are afraid of? There are many people, including myself, who would be happy to share and discuss this decision with you. Natural Cycles also has a ton of resources and information on its website from information on its effectiveness, to reviews of Natural Cycles.

All in all, I would do what is best for you since we are all on our own journey. With my experience, I can’t recommend Natural Cycles enough and I am so excited to keep learning more about my fertility and my body in general.

If you decide you want to try Natural Cycles for yourself, you can use my personal referral link to get an exclusive discount on a yearly subscription plus a free thermometer.

Huge thanks to Sophia for sharing her experience of coming off hormonal birth control with all of us. Natural Cycles is the first FDA cleared birth control app, it’s 100% hormone-free and non-invasive. Why not find out if it could work for you today?

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