IUD effectiveness: Pros and considerations
Key takeaways:
- Both types of IUD are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy
- IUDs are long-acting methods that work for up to twelve years and need to be fitted and removed by a healthcare professional
- There are some common side effects to using both hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs
How effective are IUDs when used as birth control?
There are two types of IUD: the hormonal and the non-hormonal IUD, both are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. These long-acting birth control methods are considered highly effective because they require very little work from the person using them, and once inserted they can prevent pregnancy for up to twelve years. The chance of getting pregnant with an IUD is less than 1%.
Keep in mind that while no birth control method is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, IUDs are one of the most effective options out there and are a good option for those who want to prevent pregnancy for a long period of time without having to think about their birth control method regularly.
How effective are IUDs when used as emergency contraception?
The copper IUD is the most effective form of emergency birth control available, if inserted within the first five days of unprotected sex, there is a less than 1% chance of pregnancy. This is because the copper IUD creates a hostile environment in the uterus that stops a fertilized egg cell from implanting into the uterine wall. Some morning after pills, such as Plan B, can be less effective as they work by delaying ovulation, meaning if you’ve already ovulated, it might not work as emergency birth control.
Keep in mind that the hormonal IUD cannot not be used as emergency contraception, and if you’ve recently had unprotected sex you should consider taking a morning after pill or having the copper IUD fitted instead. Getting the hormonal IUD inserted after you’ve had unprotected sex puts you at risk of ectopic pregnancy, so a healthcare professional may ask you to wait if there is a chance you may be pregnant when you go to the appointment.
What are the benefits of IUDs?
Many women love using the IUD as their chosen method of contraception, here’s why:
- Once inserted you don’t have to think about your birth control for a number of years
- It’s highly effective: the chances of you getting pregnant on the IUD are extremely small
- The copper IUD is a non-hormonal birth control option and may be a good choice for those who can’t take hormonal contraception like the pill
- The copper IUD can be used as emergency birth control up to five days after unprotected sex
- You can use an IUD while breastfeeding and can usually get one straight after giving birth
- The IUD is considered extremely safe as a birth control method and risks are very rare
What are the disadvantages of IUDs?
Every contraception has its pros and cons, and there are a few things to consider before getting an IUD, such as:
- It’s invasive: you must get the IUD fitted and removed by a healthcare professional, this can be painful for some people but the pain doesn’t last for long
- IUDs do not offer protection from sexually transmitted infections
- The hormonal IUD can cause side effects, including mood changes and lower libido
- The copper IUD can cause increased cramping and bleeding when you get your period
- Getting pregnant after IUD removal can take a little longer, for most people fertility will return within a few months
- Although extremely rare, there are some risks that come with IUD use, including the device falling out, or getting stuck to the uterus wall
- The chances of getting pregnant with an IUD are extremely small, but if it happens it can cause an ectopic pregnancy (when a fertilized egg cell implants in the fallopian tubes)
Have you heard of the FDA Cleared birth control app?
Natural Cycles is a non-hormonal, non-invasive method of birth control that’s based on temperature. It’s 93% effective with typical use and 98% effective with perfect use. It’s a great option for those who want to avoid invasive or hormonal contraception. Natural Cycles is FDA Cleared in the US and certified in Europe for use as birth control.
As well as using Natural Cycles to prevent pregnancy, the same science can also be used to plan pregnancy when the time is right. In fact, NC° Plan Pregnancy users get pregnant in three cycles on average. Everyone’s fertility journey is different and whether you want to get pregnant now, someday or never, Natural Cycles is here to support you on your chosen path. Why not find out if the world’s first birth control app could work for you today?
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